Returning to Judaism in the Galilee: Sparks of Jewish Life in the Ben Ami Village

    You are invited to an unusual journey: A Shabbat in the Ben Ami village in the Galilee. A talk with…

    Pokemon Will Lead you to the Beit Midrash

    A short video encouraging the study of Torah precisely through ... "Pokemon Go". Watch video gone viral

    The Standard American Diet is S.A.D for More than One Reason

    What will become of a generation that battles rampant health issues from a young age? The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee…

    Rabbi Goldstein, Founder of the World Shabbat Project: “Shabbat Belongs to Every Member of the Jewish Nation.”

    What began as a local initiative in the South African Jewish community that turned into a dizzying success, has now…

    Touching Gallery: Before and After Cancer

    Adults and children from around the world share pictures of themselves undergoing and overcoming cancer. Inspiring images

    Watch: A Rare Discovery of a Shark that Lives Beneath an Active Volcano

    A shark that lives under an active volcano, was found near the volcano Kauaʻi. A delegation that was sent to…

    A Cappella: Shlock Rock & The Maccabeats – Minyan Man

    This will make you think twice the next time you’re asked to be the 10th guy for a minyan. The…

    How to Break the Habit of Backseat Driving – Watch

    How do you get out of the ‘Me tell you what to do’ mode in marriage? Host of ‘The Ladies…

    A Deeper Approach to Marital Harmony

    "Behold, you are betrothed to me” means that you are designated and reserved for me from among all other women…

    Lev Nishbar: Beri Weber – New Release

    Le cerveau n’est donc plus oxygéné. C’est un infarctus cérébral. Une angine de poitrine est une douleur thoracique causée par…
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