Will Israel Become the Fourth Country to Land a Spacecraft on the Moon?

    The “smart spacecraft,” developed by Israeli engineers, will be sent to Cape Canaveral, Florida in November in preparation for the…

    Shabbat Shalom in Tiberias: A Summary of the Exciting Events & Historic Project – Watch

    The Hidabroot organization embarked on a historic project to strengthen Shabbat in the city of Tiberias. Thousands of Shabbat leaflets…

    Genetics in the Torah? Where?

    The Torah is the blueprint of the universe. Every detail, even the most minute, is contained in it - it's…

    How Did the Bus Driver Make it Home for Shabbat?

    His passengers came to the rescue!

    Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s Here?

    Researchers in Oxford University think so

    Watch More Wonders of Creation: The ’Bird’ Tree

    Every day flocks of birds nest in this tree. A photographer managed to capture the moment the birds leave their…

    Comunicating with the dead – The truth about séances

    British researcher, Arthur Findlay:"I know that if thirteen years ago I myself had been asked to believe these strange accounts…

    48 Ways to Love and Be Loved

    Rabbi Noach Weinberg, the rosh yeshiva of Aish Hatorah, explains the 48 ways to attain wisdom from ancient Jewish sources,…

    G-d’s Kindness: the Operation was a Success and the Siamese Twins Were Separated

    China, April 2015: Siamese twins who were born attached to the hips, were separated successfully by a surgery that utilized…

    Cleaning for Passover: Ingenious Trick Shines Metal Surfaces with Minimal Effort

    Whether you started cleaning for Passover or whether you're in the mood of cleaning up; this tip will help you…
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