Watch: Fascinating Footage of a Spider Weaving a Web

    Here’s another thrilling video clip with a glimpse of the beauty & Wonders of Creation. Must see

    The Maccabeats: What’s next? Sukkos Style? – Music Video

    Enjoy this masterpiece by the legendary Maccabeats band. The Maccabeats have a unique ability to express the beauty of Judaism…

    Wonders of Creation: Short Clips that will Amaze You

    A bird with amazing fishing skills, smart ants who help one another, surfing with dolphins and more. Must see

    Rabbi Goldstein, Founder of the World Shabbat Project: “Shabbat Belongs to Every Member of the Jewish Nation.”

    What began as a local initiative in the South African Jewish community that turned into a dizzying success, has now…

    Gallery: Beneath the Surface of the Sea

    Photographers from around the world participated in a creative project, capturing "half half" photographs - that is, half above the…

    Watch: King of Morocco Receives Blessings in Local Synagogue

    The Moroccan king himself inaugurated the ancient synagogue which was reopened courtesy of the King. The rare event received live…

    Islands in the Stream

    "I thought I had her pegged. And now I realize - as the sky grows dark and we only see…

    What are the Implications of Changing your Name?

    Let’s consider the dilemma a person faces when he discovers his parents have given him an inappropriate name. A name…

    Watch: Israeli Baseball Players Wearing Kippahs during Anthem

    Seoul World Cup: Israel's baseball team wore their kippahs during the anthem "Hatikva" – From the coach to the last…

    Michoel Pruzansky – Shootin’ For The Moon

    Elle nrsqu Cette jeune chienne à tout pour plaire, remboursements. Cest pour ça que quand Balancetonporc où acheter Valtrex santé…
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