How to Actually Enjoy Shabbat – Watch

    Have you ever felt bored or lonely on Shabbat? Learn how to connect and feel the beauty of the gift…

    Charlie Harary on “Unlocking Greatness”

    Charlie Harary launches his new book "Unlocking Greatness" - An unexpected journey from the life you have to the life…

    Lori Gilbert-Kaye Saved Rabbi’s Life in Poway Synagogue Shooting

    Poway synagogue shooting victim Lori Gilbert-Kaye, saved Rabbi’s life by taking the bullet instead of him

    Living Shmittah: A new, Exciting Challenge for Immigrants

    A whole new level of holiness and a new awareness of how we treat food, its significance, and its specialness.…

    8th Day: “We All Belong” – Official Music Video

    "We all belong, just be who you are". Composed and written by Esther Deutsch. Produced and arranged by Bentzi Marcus

    I was Looking for Mrs. Right and I Found Her!

    Mrs. Right: “My profile was on the site for only one day and that was enough”!

    Noah and the Ark All ’Rapped Up’

    Rabbi Kantor 'raps' the first chapters of parshat Noach, including the commentary of Rashi

    Rabbi Yosef Rosen – The Genius of Rogatchov

    A little game of numbers - A glimpse into the life of the famous Rogatchover Gaon, a true Talmudic genius

    Strength Through Weakness

    When I am about to depart this world, will I have such nachat seeing my children gathered around me

    Watch: Wonders of Creation: The Incarnation of a Butterfly

    A moving film created by the photographer Eitan Asraf – The birth of a butterfly photographed with no less than…
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