Islands in the Stream

    "I thought I had her pegged. And now I realize - as the sky grows dark and we only see…

    Men’s Depression/Anxiety Support Group – A Therapy Alternative

    This may be your solution to overcome depression

    How Should My Shabbat Table Look?

    You're actually supposed to enjoy delicacies on Shabbat and that's holy

    Watch: How Did the Elephant Escape the Current?

    The poor elephant stranded in the rushing current, slipped while trying to climb out. How did the drama end? Watch…

    Yonatan Razel: Live Performance in Tel Aviv – ‘Keter’

    Yonatan Razel performs the song "Keter" in a concert a few months ago in Tel Aviv. Watch

    Watch: Netanel Menat & Malchus Choir – Naase Venishma

    Performed at huge kumzitz in Elad, Israel

    Dreams – The Spiritual Realm of the Mundane

    Among other messages, dreams convey that our mundane, daily lives can in fact be transformed and elevated to the spiritual…

    Man is Not Given a Challenge he Cannot Withstand

    Even someone born into a bleak existence — a dysfunctional family, difficult parents, or even a criminal society; cannot justify…

    (no title)

    A national organization had arranged a Shabbos of inspiration for a cross-section of acheinu Bnei Yisroel (Jews) at a prominent…
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