Life After Death in This World

    The day that the babies were born was the same date that his son and his son's friend were murdered……

    Fragments of my past

    It’s heartbreaking watching my father dole out the past with no genuinely interested takers

    Watch: Melody of Reb Michoel Zlotchover

    Enjoy a legendary niggun

    Watch Now!!! Hidabroot Special Hanukkah Broadcast ’Spreading the Flames’

    A festive Hanukkah Candle Lighting each night of Hanukkah hosted by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

    Judge People Favorably

    Rabbi Goldwasser shares a story that conveys the importance of judging others favorably

    The Impact of Elul

    The Shofar is a wakeup call to prepare for the new year

    Do Cherries Need to be Checked for Bugs? – Watch

    Rabbi Moshe Vaye says that cherries from Brazil don't need to be checked, whereas cherries from Argentina need checking. It…

    Shabbat: G-d Runs the World

    On Shabbos whilst the rest of the world continues striving to earn their living through effort, observant Jews rest from…

    All Night Hoshana Rabbah Live Broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem

    Watch the annual Hoshana Rabbah livestream broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem. Be inspired throughout the night by world renowned lecturers;…

    Gallery: Creative Ideas for Decorating your Passover Table

    This Passover you can experience the Holiday and its significance in a slightly more creative way: Here are some original…
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