Why did G-d Put Me on Earth?

    Why do we have to come to this world? Why didn’t G-d give us the ultimate good without us having…

    How Should My Shabbat Table Look?

    You're actually supposed to enjoy delicacies on Shabbat and that's holy


    Cette semaine, retrouvez les lois de Chabat ! A ce titre, nous remercions le rav Yoel Hattab pour son travail…

    Tehillim – Psalms for Shabbat

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Shabbat, divided into daily portions. Shabbat Psalms: Chapters 120 – 150

    Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 2

    Rabbi Menachem Nissel gives us the tools to make your prayers personal, relevant and focused

    Rabbi Yitzchak Kadoori

    He knew the Ben Ish Chai, was called a prodigy at the age of 17, and smoked to rectify souls.…

    How Can I Know For Sure that G-d is Here?

    Is there proof that G-d is All-inclusive, All-powerful, and has full control over everything in our lives?

    Wonders of Creation: Utopia of Waterfalls

    These falls will not leave you with many choices but to enjoy their magical beauty, and thank G-d more intensely…

    Life After Death in This World

    The day that the babies were born was the same date that his son and his son's friend were murdered……

    Gallery: Hypnotic Images from the Great US Eclipse, 2017

    Due to its radius, the eclipse became known as the "Great Eclipse" - something that has not happened since 8.6.1918.…
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