Beware of Jellyfish on a Full Moon

    A Haifa University study shows that jellyfish tend to show up on Israel’s shores when the temperature is between 28.2-30…

    Watch: Multi-Colored Corn – It’s Real!

    An Oklahoma farmer isolated types of corn from his Native American ancestors. He then selected, saved and replanted seeds from…

    The Truth About Reincarnation

    Belief in reincarnation exists in many traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, the Druse tradition, and more. In many cases, reincarnation is…

    I Told My Husband: “We Have To Adopt A Child With Down’s Syndrome”

    Chaya and Yisrael Ben-Baruch, more than just being a couple, are truly an inspiring phenomenon. Their story begins in Long…

    Traveling on a Cruise Ship over Shabbat

    May one travel on a cruise ship over Shabbat? Can one get off a ship that has docked on Shabbat?

    Watch Rare Footage from NASA: Snowy Deserts

    Snow in the desert? That's right. It's rare, though not impossible. Watch a fascinating documentation from NASA, showing different deserts…

    Healing a Marriage – It’s Never too Late!

    You may be surprised to learn that some simple advice could save your relationship. Rabbi Zamir Cohen provides practical guidance…

    Maccabeats: Mi Bon Siach – Acappella

    The Maccabeats take on Mi Bon Siach, the prayer which is recited as the bride enters the chuppah (Jewish wedding…

    Women to know : Lakewood’s paragon of chesed, Mrs. Shanik is as busy as any high-powered CEO

    When you want to do something, Hashem just gives you siyata dishmaya
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