What is the Definition of a Good Person According to Judaism?
Is it enough to be a good person without being religious? What is the definition of being a good person?…
They Don’t Deserve Everything
A child needs to understand that he can’t get everything he wants. This understanding will only do him good
I Would Have Sent my Kids to Catholic School
By accident I found the Hidabroot website and that changed everything
When family ties can’t bind
My nephew conned my son out of money, then he ruined a promising shidduch prospect, should i speak up?
Building a Positivity Portfolio
Create a portfolio of good feelings you experienced or things you liked
A Not So Simple Man
Visiting the rebbe, the Chozeh of Lublin
The Mother-In-Law Daughter-In-Law Connection: Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships
Building a relationship between the parents of the groom and the bride, and between the parents of the bride and…
Ohad Moskowitz: “Shelach Malachecha” – New Hit
Jewish Music Superstar Ohad Moskowitz sings his new hit song 'Shlach Malachecha' from his newly released album. An Aaron Teitelbaum…
The Atom and the Soul of the Inanimate
Does a Squirrel have a Soul? Does a Tree have a Soul? Does a Chair have a Soul? And What…
Thanks for publishing such an insightful and entertaining weekly magazine. I really enjoy reading it. Your series “Girl on a…