The Cause of Death of Healthy Young People

    If someone died young from sudden heart failure his family should know there is a genetic factor.

    Communication: Don’t Talk Down to Children

    They have it hard already; we can be scary without even trying

    In a Bad Mood? Don’t Come Down on Yourself

    If you accept bad feelings without coming down on yourself you'll cope with it faster

    Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Since one cannot change reality, one must learn to change one's attitude towards whatever challenges life presents.

    Gallery: 27 Finalists of the National Geographic Competition

    Every year photographers from around the world send their best pictures to the prestigious National Geographic photography competition. The pictures…

    A Record of 3,500 Worshipers Entered Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus – Watch

    Once a month, worshipers are allowed to enter Joseph's Tomb, inside Nablus (Shchem), with the protection of the IDF soldiers

    Love For a Moment and then What?

    Don't look for unnecessary relationships, wait for the real deal, wait until you're married

    To Give In, Give In and Give In

    Those are the 3 things that a happy marriage depends on

    Passover Recipe: Egg Noodles

    For those of us who just need noodles in their chicken soup!
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