The Hidabroot Convention: Weekend Getaway Before Rosh Hashanah 9/20 – 9/22 | 2019

    Enjoy a Shabbat Retreat, a Motzei Shabbat Grand Event, Inspirational Lectures throughout the weekend, Glatt Kosher Gourmet Meals, Luxurious Accommodation…

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky – Add “Achashverosh” to the Patient’s Name

    Why did Rabbi Kanievsky decide to add the name "Antiochus" or "Achashverosh" to the patient’s name, and how did he…

    “I Keep Shabbat But I Use My Cell Phone and Computer”

    Once, the Jewish world was clearly divided into those who keep Shabbat and those who didn’t. Today, for some reason,…

    The Strength to Cope

    We often hear older couples expressing their frustration by saying: “I know it’s all true, I must give in and…

    Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – What Women Really Want

    How did Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi become so famous? Mottle Wolfe interviews the world renowned Rebbetzin and Yikrat Friedman

    The Torah’s View on Organ Donation

    According to Judaism, are we allowed to donate organs after death?

    How to Make a Shabbat Meal in Half an Hour – Recipes Included

    Do you need to speed up with your Shabbat preparations? Rivka Malka Perlman explains how to prepare your delicious Shabbat…

    The Chef Who Closed Her Restaurant on Shabbat; “G-d Will Provide for Me”

    What brought a chef who owned a successful restaurant in Tel Aviv that was open for over a decade to…

    Chidoukhim et recherche du conjoint

    On l’a oubliée à la maison : la jeune fille qui cherche (toujours) un Chidoukh (Chidoukh, au pluriel Chidoukhim : rencontre…

    La famille s'apprêtait à manger de la Dafina, mais a constaté avec surprise qu'il était impossible d'ouvrir le couvercle de la casserole!

    Sans tenir compte des avertissements de la maîtresse de maison, le père et ses enfants continuaient chaque semaine à se…
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