Yaakov Shwekey: New Music Video – Yishtabach

    Enjoy Yaakov Shwekey's latest music video. Masterpiece

    Watch – Selichot Prayers at the Western Wall

    See footage of selichot prayers at the Western Wall this week. Uplifting

    Caught in the Crossfire: Humiliation and Forgiveness

    Many times in life, an individual’s motive for his offensive behavior is well-intentioned, even purely for the sake of Heaven,…

    Teachings of Rav Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsberg

    Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Shmelke,” a main disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the author of “Divrei Shmuel.”

    The Roots of an Eternal Jewish Nation – Jacob Rupp

    "We are a product of our daily struggles". Brought to you by Drops of Light

    Shabbat – Resting the Way God Rests

    It is essential to develop an understanding of the idea of 'rest' that is so central to this holy day.…

    See Dramatic Rescue – Sri Lankan Navy Saves Elephants Drowning at Sea

    Elephants swept out to sea by strong currents were rescued by the heroic Sri Lankan Navy. Gone Viral

    A Cantonist’s Soul is Reawakened

    The guard watched in wonder as the Jew danced round and round with the small volume in his hands

    Watch: This is what’s called Extreme Riding

    Some people are fearless, and are willing to risk their lives just for a little adrenaline. This cyclist is one…

    The Powerful Effects of Sugar

    When we consume sugar, our body is programed to crave more sugar, so if we want to change our sugar-habit,…
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