Conservative Female Rabbi Crosses Lines and Becomes Orthodox

    In a open article publicized this week, Einat Ramon explains why she abandoned Conservative Judaism and her belief in authentic…

    Is There a Remedy for Fears and Bad Dreams?

    Reciting the Shema is an important commandment that involves accepting the Kingdom of Heaven and the yoke of commandments. Reading…

    An Inexplicable Sin (Parshat Chukat)

    Anger has no place in our lives

    A $14,600 piece of mold?!

    Why should a piece of mold cost so much money? The answer it seems has to do with the source…

    What is the True Meaning of Modesty? Watch

    What does it mean to be modest according to Judaism? Rabbi Burg elaborates. Brought to you by the Drops of…

    To Carry The Burden of Another Jew – Rabbi Yissochar Frand

    Rabbi Yissochar Frand shares extraordinary stories of great Jewish leaders who personified the trait of 'Nosei B'ol Im Chaveiro', carrying…

    Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

    Fan or air-conditioner, how much water should I drink? Ministry of health instructions

    5 Reasons Secular Jews Want Shabbat to Remain a Day of Rest

    Why is there such a big non-religious lobby in Tel Aviv against opening stores on Shabbat?

    SHMUZIK: Featuring Benny Friedman, Uri Davidi & Levy Falkowitz

    Watch the pilot episode of SHMUZIK featuring popular sephardic singer Uri Davidi, the renowned lubavitch singer Benny Friedman, and the…

    A Mother’s Rosh Hashanah Experience

    How could I possibly approach these holy days without the opportunity to pray in synagogue?
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