He lived alone

    A father’s tragic choice

    Watch: Yonatan Razel Performes by “Shir Lama’alot”

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    Familiarity With EVERY Kind of Animal in the World!!

    The Torah delineates four creatures which have just one sign of purity- chewing the cud without having cloven feet. This…

    The End of Dieting

    Why are there so many people who fail at dieting even when they are successful in other areas of life?…

    Transient Wealth

    It doesn't pay to show off!

    Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

    Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…

    Which is Harder to Accept upon Yourself, Keeping Shabbat or Covering your Hair?

    You’d think that Shabbat is much harder… or would you?

    Tehillim – Psalms for Shabbat

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Shabbat, divided into daily portions. Shabbat Psalms: Chapters 120 – 150

    Free Will and The Unreal Self: The Problem of Ego

    The ego objects to being commanded; it seeks total independence. It far prefers giving orders to taking them.

    You Have a 1 Inch Tumor On Your Bladder

    Ephraim heard the news and was devastated
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