See Who Created All These: Rare Footage of Octopus Eggs Hatching

    When you see pictures like this - it is impossible not to admire the greatness and wisdom of God

    My Therapist

    No appointment necessary.

    Daily Halacha: Naming After One Who Died Young

    Naming for one who died in tragic circumstances may not be a good omen for the child.

    Elul- The Judge is My Friend

    We want to be judged by G-d alone for he can display clemency that a regular court can't

    What was the Difference Between the First and Second Temple?

    The Eternal Flame of the First Temple did not exist in the Second Temple. This symbolized a lack of Torah…

    If a shidduch is bashert

    Rav Yehudah Halevi, the author of the Kuzari, was a very wealthy man. He had only one daughter, who had…

    “Everyone Deserves A Chance To Improve”- The Work Of A College Rabbi at Hermon Prison

    At the Hermon rehabilitative correctional facility, the goal is to give the prisoners their life back again. The prisoners in…

    Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger: Body vs. Soul & the Purpose of Life

    ​Focus on the purpose of life and the role of your body and soul in carrying out your mission here

    Messianic Times – What’s Trump’s Mission at the End of Days?

    Why is Trump making peace with North Korea? Who are the four Messiah’s at the End of Days? Rabbi Mendel…

    Why Did King Solomon Marry So Many Women?

    Why did King Solomon marry so many women and how do we know that it wasn’t considered a sin?
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