Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Rare Appeal for Prayer: Join Hidabroot’s Special Broadcast Tonight at 21:00

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky in a rare appeal, asks all Jews to gather this evening at 00:30 in synagogues and cry…

    Jewish Parents, a Disappearing Breed

    Most Jews will have no next generation to succeed them; this is a quiet demographic holocaust

    The 9th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    The Torah commands Jews to listen to our sages and our sages rejected Jesus

    Should You Exercise when Full or Hungry?

    Do you take your morning run before or after breakfast?

    Will I Ever Get Married?

    My parents are divorced so what does it have to do with me? Why is it so hard for me…

    Former Miss Israel: “I Wouldn’t Go back Even 100,000 Shekel a Day”

    “G-d sends me livelihood without my doing immodest photography shoots”

    Women to know: Robin Meyerson’s Spiritual Journey

    I need to put my kids first, because I’m the only mom they have

    “G-d Took Away My Son, Now Whatever He Says I Do the Opposite!”

    But after he smoked a cigarette on Yom Kippur G-d brought him back anyway and gave him the greatest gift

    Fascinating – Watch Wildebeest Crossing the Mara River in Kenya

    Thousands of wildebeest stampede through the raging river infested with hungry crocodiles. Many wildebeest fail the crossing due to injury,…
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