What Were Steve Jobs’ Last Words Before He Died?
Steve Jobs last words are a message for all of us to remember.
Opening Tin Cans and Packages on Shabbat
Is it Permissible to open tin cans, boxes and packages on Shabbos, in order to get the food inside them?
Proof of Prophecy-Moshiach: When Will Moshiach Come?
Can we know when Moshiach is coming? Is there a fixed date for his arrival? What can we do to…
Bamidbar/ Shavuot: Of Flowers and Weeks
We became a nation in the desert and we had failures in the desert but we sprouted fourth
The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?
In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…
See How Teens Respond to a Bride and Groom Stuck in Traffic
A bride and groom returning home after their wedding; got stuck in a traffic jam in Jerusalem. Yeshiva students in…
Mika and Ali Part 4
More regretful mistakes and Mika’s message to women in her situation
The Deep Significance of the Holy Language
Because of his genes, man is equipped with the special ability to learn a language
Should I Light My Shabbat Candles with Olive Oil?
What type of candles or oil should one use for lighting Shabbat candles? If i light with candles, should i…
On Good Authority
The butcher