Watch Israeli Air Force Blue Flag Exercise with 8 Guest Nations

    Get a cockpit view of the joint exercise

    The Rachamim Rabim Melody – ‘Great Mercy’

    A deep Chassidic melody that softly plucks on the gentle strings of the soul. Composer and pianist Achiya Asher Cohen…

    Happiness is The Most Important Mitzvah!

    Train yourself and your children in this great mitzvah

    Opening Tin Cans and Packages on Shabbat

    Is it Permissible to open tin cans, boxes and packages on Shabbos, in order to get the food inside them?

    I’ve Gone to Fulfill a Dream

    “I’m taking the day off to fly a kite with my daughter”

    Pureté Familiale : “Ressentiez-vous de l’amour envers votre enfant qui s’est noyé ?” demandait la Rabanit. “Evidemment”, répondait la Maman.  

    Pendant 3 ans depuis que son fils s'était noyé Meital vivait traumatisée, elle ne pouvait pas se tremper au Mikvé…

    Single and Suffering? Holiday Advice

    When a woman is waiting, her mind understands many things that her heart can’t accept. The heart seeks a home,…

    Success Comes from Giving Charity – Sol Werdiger

    Sol Werdiger explains why being charitable is essential for being successful in business. Delivered at Olami Professional Circles

    Mystique : Une ségoula véridique et incroyable pour le matin du jeune d’Esther à ne pas manquer.

    Le Rav Tsvi Hirsch Kaydnover rapporte dans son livre Kav Hayachar une ségoula véridique à faire dès le lever du…

    Ten Facts about the Book of Psalms-Tehillim

    What is the meaning of the name of the Book of Psalms? How many people composed the hymns in the…
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