Love Your Neighbor Ari Goldwag’s Acapella Video

    Ari Goldwag came out with an amazing video about loving your friends and helping them with his catchy new song…

    Rare Jellyfish Spotted off the Coast of California – Watch

    The jellyfish was spotted 4000 feet below the surface of the sea. Wonders of Creation

    Prayers from Pure Holy Children That Saved a Dying Person

    Thanks to them the funeral was postponed a year.

    Watch: Spectacular Show Created by Drones

    Amazing drone competition in Japan. Creative technology

    WeWork Owner, Billionaire Adam Neumann: “I Keep Shabbat”  

    “We disconnect at that time but we’re really connecting”

    Why Did the Gentile who Bought Chametz from Rav Elyashiv Convert?

    In honor of the sixth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Zt "l. A fascinating story and…

    A Mission from the Heavenly Court

    Alon Anava never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would be called to the Heavenly court and would undergo…

    9/11 Miracle: Saved Twice From Tragedy – Yossi Gross

    First he survived the Sbarro pizza bombing in Israel and then he was saved again from the September 11 attacks…

    Yonatan Razel & The Rishon LeZion Symphony Orchestra – Esa Einai

    Yonatan Razel & The Rishon LeZion Symphony Orchestra perform the legendary 'Esa Einai' of Shlomo Carlebach
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