Watch: Lightning Like You’ve Never Seen Before

    Display of electrifying lightning moving through the clouds over Florida, creating stunning scenes

    A Peeling Mask Made from Tomatoes?

    This exfoliating mask will cleanse and brighten your complexion

    Did you Ever Visit a Booth for Compliments?

    Guy Shani is a “Compliments Coach” and he will teach us the lost art of complimenting someone and being kind

    Watch: Folding Napkins like You’ve Never Seen Before

    Looking for a nice innovative idea to decorate your Shabbat table? Take a look at a genius tip for folding…

    Watch: Fascinating Footage of The Northern Lights of Norway

    Magical footage of the Northern Lights in Norway. Relax and enjoy more Wonders of Creation. “There is no artist like…

    Kobi Peretz & Yaakov Shwekey: ‘Veafilu Behastara’

    G-d stands with us even during difficult times when things are hidden

    How Can We Attain Oneg (Enjoyment of) Shabbat?

    Equilibrium and inner peace are a foundation for family peace and Oneg Shabbat. Learn how to attain them.

    “Mommy Please Tell Me That I’m Good”

    “Please don’t tell me that everything I do is wrong!”

    How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)

    Not only do kosher animals not suffer during ritual slaughter, they do not even experience emotional discomfort before the act,…

    Zalman Pollack: Havdalah – Music Video

    You just finished extinguishing your Havdala candles, bringing an end to the light of Shabbat. Hold onto it for just…
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