Life after life – 3: Return of Souls as if they Were Alive

    "They told this account to Rabbi Noach, who then went into the room. When he saw the deceased he said…

    May A Husband Eat From His Wife’s Leftovers?

    If a woman is Niddah may her husband eat her leftovers?

    Watch: What Does the Parrot Do When He Is Hot?

    This is what the parrot does on hot summer days: He approaches the kitchen water faucet, washes his body, sings…

    Watch: ’Potato Fish’. Does Such a Fish Exist?

    A potato fish seems to have been filmed off the coast of Ireland. See wonders of creation beneath the sea…

    Am I an Illusion? What Makes Me Real?

    Understanding our insignificance in the universe leads to humility and accepting that G-d leads our daily lives.

    How Does G-d View Our Complaints? Rabbi Jonathan Rietti

    Does G-d owe me anything? Is it really so bad to complain? Rabbi Jonathan Rietti shares fundamental lessons for life

    Copycats Mimics and Impersonators

    Why you don't need the other person's “suitcase"

    Why Is G-d Invisible? Rabbi Manis Friedman

    Throughout history, the question of why G-d is not visible has perplexed the human race. Philosophers and laymen have addressed…

    Did the Ancient Hebrews have X-Ray Vision?

    According to the Talmud, the Cloud of Glory emitted a type of light that allowed them to see through opaque…

    Moral Dilemmas in Everyday Life – How do we Decide?

    Fascinating lecture by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz at the Sinai Indaba annual Torah convention in South Africa
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