The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

    I didn’t like rice but when my neighbor made it I loved it!

    True Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    Where can you find true life, liberty and the true pursuit of happiness?

    10 Facts About Rachel, the Wife of Jacob

    Jacob didn’t give up. He agreed to work another seven years, and was given Rachel in marriage. The source of…

    Pesukei DeZimra – Nusach Sefard

    Praise G-d Before you ask your needs

    Solomon Murderer: ‘A Humane Terrorist’

    He only killed 3 people and tried killing a 4th but he didn’t kill the children, that is so humane

    Get a Glimpse of The Western Wall Tunnels

    The Western Wall Tunnel is an underground tunnel exposing the full length of the Western Wall. The tunnel is adjacent…

    10 Facts about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

    During the years he hid in a cave, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai wrote down the esoteric teachings of the Torah.…

    Under Cover of Night

    Undeterred by the danger, a young girl risked her life for the sake of others

    Rabbi Zamir Cohen On Tzofiyah: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Was Impressed With The Initiative

    After five years of development and adaptation, the new kosher digital converter from Hidabroot has finally been launched. In a…

    Q & A: Is it Permissible to Celebrate Thanksgiving?

    Is celebrating Thanksgiving considered to be avoda zara (idol worship), or chukat hagoyim?
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