What Can We Learn from Japanese Broken Pottery?

    An astounding and empowering lesson specifically from something broken

    High Holidays Meledy – Shloime Daskal, Ahrele Samet, Pinky Weber & S Brodt

    Yomim Noraim Medley – A stunning performance by the Freilach Band, the Shira Choir, Shloime Daskal, Ahrele Samet, Pinky Weber…

    Now You See It — Now You Don’t

    People become enmeshed in “unhealthy” relationships for countless reasons. But a big complicating factor in nearly every case is the…

    Must See – Never Stop Dancing by Ari Goldwag

    Also you can dance despite your challenges! Ari Goldwag with an inspiring message in his new hit ‘Never Stop Dancing’…

    What is Jewish Spirituality? Rabbi Michel Twerski

    Are we connecting to G-d in the correct way? Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'

    Good Old Fashioned Russian Anti-Semitism Rears its Ugly Head

    "We'll see if the Jews didn't kill Czar Nicholas for religious purposes"

    Causes for Delayed Marriage

    In our generation, the number of people awaiting marriage is very large relative to the number of those in previous…

    Vayeishev: Living With Peace of Mind

    What is it like to have the peace of mind that Yosef Hatzaddik had, the peace of mind that Tamar…

    The Holy Ari – Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Zt”l

    10 facts about his life in Honor of his Yohrzeit on the 5th of Av (Today)

    The Yeshiva Boys Choir – “Amein” A Cappella

    All Sounds Made By Voice & Mouth. Performed by: Eli Gerstner (EG Productions)
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