What’s a Nice Jewish Girl Like You Doing, Living on N.Y. Streets?
A religious Jew from New York who had compassion on Nurit who was thrown out of her home into the…
Watch: One day in the life of a sea cucumber
Or as King David put it: “How great are Your deeds, G-d, all of them were made in wisdom.” Watch…
Stress after Rest: Healthy or Unhealthy?
With having neither the data of the Emergency Medical Service nor the latest statistics from the United States, our Sages…
Watch: Unique Fishing Technique
See this fisherman’s creative method for capturing huge fish. Gone viral
All Night Hoshana Rabbah Live Broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem
Watch the annual Hoshana Rabbah livestream broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem. Be inspired throughout the night by world renowned lecturers;…
Gallery: Breathtaking Collection of Sunflowers
These incredible images of sunflowers will cause you to thank G-d for the beautiful world that surrounds us. Wonders of…
The Secret to a Happy Life
Develop your interpersonal relationships
Charan – Externally Righteous
Charan's death was unusual in that only his internal organs were destroyed, implying that his external body remained undamaged. What…
The Holy Ari – Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Zt”l
10 facts about his life in Honor of his Yohrzeit on the 5th of Av (Today)