Avichay Shanti: “I Want to Raise My Children as Jews”

    In a open-hearted confession on his Facebook page, Avichay Shanti — an Arab in the process of conversion — expresses…

    The Weight of Air – in the Talmud

    The weight of the air pressing down upon our bodies every second is about 10 tons. Torah Sages living 2,000…

    Gallery: Fascinating Natural Phenomena you Won’t Believe Exist

    What happens when sweet water meets salty water, or when termites decide to invade the desert? Hypnotic and spectacular natural…

    Eliezer Auerbach: Ilanga Lafisha – Official Music Video

    This song has achieved great acclaim worldwide. The lyrics are taken from Ethics of Our Fathers and translated into Zulu.…

    World Renowned Lecturers Promote the Hidabroot Convention

    Rabbi Paysach Krohn and Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser praise the up-and-coming Hidabroot weekend and will grace it with their presence

    Ohad Moskowitz & Yedidim – Mimkomcha & Nafshi – Watch

    An Aaron Teitelbaum Production. Music conducted by Yisroel Lamm

    MUST-WATCH: Water in Space with Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    In this fascinating clip, Rabbi Zamir Cohen shows us once again how our sages knew about scientific phenomena that have…

    Meilech Kohn’s New Release for Purim: Layehudim – Official Music Video

    Composed by Meilech Kohn. Official Lyrics Video by Shimmy Socol. Happy Purim

    How to Generate True Love in your Marriage

    What is the true meaning of love? Rabbi Zamir Cohen provides practical guidelines for generating true love in your marriage

    Watch: Wonders of Creation – Magic of the Ocean

    Fascinating documentation of life in the depths of the ocean. If you're looking for a relaxing break from the pressures…
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