“I Left Being a Successful Opera Singer and Didn’t Look Back!”

    Coming back to Judaism in essence allows me to enjoy music and singing so much more than previously possible

    Enjoy a Passover Inspired Delicious Salad

    Based on the Charoses it is chock full of healthy and delicious ingredients guaranteed to liven up your meals

    The Denmark Medical Council Recommends Stopping Brit Milah

    The Jewish community fears the recommendation of the council. The council: ‘Circumcision should be decided by the child when he…

    The Distortion of the Rambam’s Writings

    Our Sages state that the Jewish nation is distinguished in three ways. Like our forefather Avraham, they are compassionate, shy…

    Rabbi Shteinman’s Last Will and Testament Read at his Graveside

    His genuine humility was astounding, he really believed himself just a regular person

    Nothing Like The Present

    Amalek tries to discourage us with talk of inevitable failure

    “When I Got Cancer I Learned to See Each Day of My Life As a Gift”

    Libi Goldstein in her second pregnancy discovered she had cancer. In a moving account she explains the growth process her…

    British Medical Research: There is Life After Death

    An examination of more than 2,000 patients who underwent cardiac arrest shows that the consciousness retains its awareness, even during…

    The Jew who saved the American Revolution

    Heroes of the American Revolutionary War such as Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Paul Revere are…

    Watch: Thirsty Elephant Digs for Water in a Dry Riverbed

    When the rivers dry up, elephants dig holes to uncover water lurking below the surface. By digging these holes, elephants…
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