257 Israeli Soccer Players Say NO to Shabbat Games

    “Don’t take away our only day of rest”

    Mordechai Shapiro’s New Release: Hakol Mishamayim – Music Video

    "I've got no reason to fear, Hakol Mishamayim - Everything is from Heaven". A message we must never forget

    Teachings of Rav Pinchas of Koritz

    One of the primary disciples of the holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of “Imrei Pinchas.”

    The Big Elul Event: Five Towns / Far Rockaway

    Get inspired before Rosh Hashana

    Are You Always Cold During the Winter?

    These 4 things may be the cause

    Gad Elbaz & Avi Benjamin: Ochi Chernye – Music Video

    Composed by Gad Elbaz & Cecelia Margules

    Women to know: Joy Schonberg blazed a trail in the art world for Jewish antiquities

    I was always religious, but I wanted to see with my own eyes the biblical things I had learned

    Covid-19: The Only Solution – Love & Kindness

        In this 3:00 minute video, Rabbi Botton delivers a Passover message of hope and light as we face the Coronavirus…

    The Story of Sharon Nachshoni – A Clinical Death

    Countless numbers of people who have heard the story find that it ignites in them a spark about the meaning…

    How do You Raise Your Children with Happiness?

    Build them up with kind words and do the same with your spouse
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