“Miracles Happen Every Day, I’m One of Them!”

    Susan Lindley shares the details of the miracles she experiences in her fight against colon cancer since 1998

    Help! My Teenager is Driving Me Crazy

    How does one deal with a recalcitrant teenager? Does the Torah offer some guidance to parents?

    Yaakov Shwekey: A Mother’s Promise – Official Music Video

    A touching and moving song about the unique bond between mother and child. You will be moved by this masterpiece

    Why Stick to the Truth?

    Maimonides tells us what we gain from sticking to the truth and living according to it

    The Significance of a Yahrzeit: The Annual Memorial for the Deceased

    What is the purpose and significance of a Yahrzeit / Azkarah? Learn how to elevate the soul of a beloved…

    The Place Where They Belong: New Release by Abie Rotenberg & Boruch Levine

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    Did You Know These People Are Jewish?

    Did you know these celebrities are Jewish? Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Cooper Calvin Klein, Kenneth Cole, Ralph Lauren, Harry Houdini, David…

    Power couches

    You can’t always get what you want or can you?

    Mordechai Shapiro’s New Release: Hakol Mishamayim – Music Video

    "I've got no reason to fear, Hakol Mishamayim - Everything is from Heaven". A message we must never forget

    How to Get Out of Financial Strain

    The Rabbi’s advice was not conventional but it worked and will work for us too
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