Treasures in the Suitcase: small mementos tell a larger story

    A weekly Look at The Kleinman Family Holocaust Education Center

    Vous avez du mal à vous endormir  la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !

    Une étude récente a découvert que travailler devant un écran d’ordinateur dans la soirée, a des répercussions sur la qualité…

    10 Reasons Why We Should Study Mishnayot by Heart

    What benefits can you gain by memorizing mishnayot orally? Also: Distinctive advice from the Holy Chafetz Chaim

    Watch: Latest Hamas Terror Methods

    Palestinian demonstrators fly a kite with a burning petrol bomb into Israel. These petrol bombs have caused small fires in…


    Interesting and fascinating facts about life

    “Why Did You Sit in a Russian Jail?”   

    Chaim Walder’s open letter to Natan Sharansky

    See How Olive Oil Soap is Made

    How is it done? Watch the manufacturing process of olive oil soap. Interesting

    Happiness is The Most Important Mitzvah!

    Train yourself and your children in this great mitzvah

    Watch: 3 Months of Work & 500 Failures – The Results Speak for Themselves

    After intensive work and hundreds of failures along the way, the mission was completed. What do you think of this…

    Shwekey & Zemiros: Shivisi – Acapella Style

    Listen to Yaakov Shwekey's first official acapella song. Enjoy
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