Did You Know These People Are Jewish?

    Did you know these celebrities are Jewish? Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Cooper Calvin Klein, Kenneth Cole, Ralph Lauren, Harry Houdini, David…

    Do You Have A Cold? Try Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Remedy

    For years, people looking to heal health problems received this response from Rabbi Kanievsky

    Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Chareidim), Fanatic Religious Jews and Neturei Karta

    Are Chareidim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) who throw stones on cars on Shabbat authentic chareidim? Is it good to be an extremist?…

    Isn’t It Preferable Not To Benefit From This World?

    Is it true that if a person benefits from this world, it is deducted from his merits?

    These are the Soldiers who were on the Bus Hamas Blew Up

    The great miracle that is stirring up the world: The group of religious soldiers that miraculously survived the bus attacked…

    Zusha’s New Release: Ad Shetehe – Must Watch

    Enjoy another original music video from Zusha

    Meditation: Twenty-Four Little Hours

    Most of your random thoughts don’t get you far, nor do they give you any real pleasure. There are other…

    Alex Clare Sings ‘Because of My Brothers and Friends’

    Watch Alex Clare Sing the legendary Shlomo Carlebach classic ‘Because of My Brothers and Friends’ – ‘Lema'an Achai Vere'ai’ at…

    Avraham Fried & Yonatan Razel: ‘Katonti’

    Performed at a Tzomah concert. Masterpiece

    Howard Stern’s Daughter Emily is Torah Observant

    “I wanted to understand what my role is the world is”
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