Shabat Kodesh – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei”
O Shabat é um dia de descanso fixado pelo Criador, que o santificou de um modo único.
G-d Loves You!!
Knowing that, you can proceed to have faith in Him
10 Facts About Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi) on The Anniversary of His Passing
Because of the sacrifice Rashi’s father made, the prophet Elijah appeared to him and promised him offspring that “would illuminate…
Packing up and moving on
How do you say goodbye to the repository of all your memories?
Inner focus outward effect
The words of queen esther have never been more relevant
Watching the Property of Pilgrims to Jerusalem
The Torah’s Author commands all Jewish males: three times in the year, drop your business affairs, your fields, your vineyards,…
Man is Not Given a Challenge he Cannot Withstand
Even someone born into a bleak existence — a dysfunctional family, difficult parents, or even a criminal society; cannot justify…
A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)
If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through
Life Is Short; You Need to be Happy Every Moment of It
Chagit Navi Ambar lost her son but now she takes care of G-d’s children, the teens that are struggling
Kayaker Escapes After Fending Off a Crocodile Attack
When the crocodile attacked his kayak, he used his paddle to fend the attack and paddle to an island.