It Depends How You Look At It

    We can choose how we see our spouse’s character traits

    Marriage – Total Commitment

    A husband and wife are capable of adjusting to each other’s flaws and idiosyncrasies. This is only possible, however, when…

    Creation All “Rapped” Up

    If you like Torah and Rap you'll love this

     A Drink that Slows Aging?

    Blueberry juice was proven to increase cognitive function in seniors.

    Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

    A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…

    Gallery: Creatures you Wouldn’t Want to Meet in the Depths of the Ocean

    Wonders of Creation: Photographers from all over the world share rare images of frightening sea creatures they met in the…

    Join The Shabbat Project 2019: Uniting more than 1,000,000 Jews Around the Magic of Shabbat

    The idea is simple: Jews from all walks of life - from across the spectrum of religious affiliation, young and…

    Why Doesn’t Judaism Want Man to Live Alone?

    Why are we responsible for one another? Why can’t we just live alone?

    Rivers Turn Blood Red In Africa & Indonesia – A Sign from Heaven?

    What is causing rivers in Africa & Indonesia to turn red, resembling the Biblical plague of 'Blood' in Egypt? Watch

    Skin Disorder Makes Boy and Dog Best Friends

    Carter Blanchard has vitiligo, an ailment which causes white patches on his face. He befriended a dog with the same…
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