Watch: Whale takes Super-Size Gulp
See a rare and beautiful moment of a whale opening its huge mouth above the water
The Blessing of Living in Israel
In Israel you feel closer to G-d
The Shabbat Project 2019: Message from Chief Rabbi Goldstein
Enter Hidabroot's lottery and win a weekend retreat with Hidabroot's favorite lecturers. Don't miss out! Come together to celebrate and…
10 Points About Parshat Parah
In addition to the regular Torah portion Parshat Parah is read about a person purifying himself. May we get this…
Getting Appreciated Is In A Woman’s Control – Watch
What should you do if you don't feel appreciation from your husband? Host of ‘The Ladies Talk Show’ Leah Richeimer,…
My Down Syndrome Twin Daughters are the Greatest!
I still can’t figure out why the doctor said “I’m sorry” when he told me they have Down’s syndrome
The Hero’s Moment
You can be a hero, too
Mika and Ali: From Poverty to Romance to Nightmare
Part one: poverty and romance
U.S. Navy Hospital Ship Arrives in New York – Watch
(Credit: Reuters) Chez les patients qui prévoient un usage fréquent de CIALIS au moins deux fois par semaine ,…
World’s Oldest Street Artist Decorates Her Home Town
104-year-old great-grandmother Grace Brett may be the oldest street artist in the world. She recently helped to yarn-bomb her town…