Diamonds Aren’t Up For Grabs and Neither Should You Be

    Diamonds are protected in a safe and you also must protect yourself

    Former Miss Israel: “I Wouldn’t Go back Even 100,000 Shekel a Day”

    “G-d sends me livelihood without my doing immodest photography shoots”

    Menahem Begin pour la sainteté du Chabbat : regardez un discours émouvant extrait des archive

    Menahem Begin dans un discours brûlant pour la sainteté du Chabbat

    The 1st Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    They believe Jesus is G-d Himself and aren’t satisfied with 'Son of G-d'

    Be Nice to Your Plants; They Have Feelings Too

    There is a phenomenon well known to horticulturists: A climbing vine that is working its way towards the closest post…

    What is the Holiest Spot in the World for the Jewish People?

    Many people say the Western Wall is the holiest spot in the world. Is that true? Historian Ken Spiro explains

    Yosef Karduner & Ari Goldwag – Shir Lamaalot

    Ari Goldwag joins Yosef Karduner as he sings his classic song "Shir Lamaalot" a song of ascents (Psalm 121), the…

    The Sheath of the Sun

    Our Sages firmly insisted that a sheath exists around the sun, because the Torah states that it is there. Do…

    Watch – Collection of Remarkable Science Experiments

    Science experiments that are simply fun to watch

    From the Heart of Tehran: Revolutionary Guards Salute Jewish Soldiers at Ceremony

    As tensions grow between Israel and Iran, exceptional documentation from Tehran shows the Revolutionary Guards paying respect to fallen Jewish…
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