Journey of a Melody: Avinu Malkeinu

    Yanir plays this traditional melody in 3 different synagogues around the world, in Sweden, Norway and Finland, on a pipe…

    The Father of Modern Day Yeshivot

    Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin passed away on the14th of Sivan (This Wednesday night) Some facts about his productive life in…

    Library Book 60 Years Overdue Was Finally Returned!

    The overdue fine was 93,600 shekel but a handshake sufficed instead

    Nissim Black: “A Million Years” – Official Music Video

    “I won’t let go even in a million years”. Watch and enjoy the sensational Hasidic rapper Nissim Black

    A Peeling Mask Made from Tomatoes?

    This exfoliating mask will cleanse and brighten your complexion

    Amniocentesis: A Test That Increases Risk of Miscarriage

    A discussion of necessity versus risk.

    How to Remain Objective When Dating

    Natural attraction can cloud judgement making it harder to let go of someone incompatible

    Tips for Married Life: The Proper Attitude Toward Arguments

    A disagreement can be utilized as a tool to reinforce marital harmony

    Google Heaven, Am I Gonna Die Today?

    When does free will work and when does divine intervention?

    The Lightning Rod – in The Writings of our Sages

    It is Known to be one of Benjamin Franklin's more Popular Inventions, Is that really True?
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