Talking Positively about the Land of Israel
Laws regarding speaking negatively about those who have passed away, about the Land of Israel and other peoples possessions
Copycats Mimics and Impersonators
Why you don't need the other person's “suitcase"
Hareini: New Release by Benny Friedman – Lyric Video
"Veohavta L'reiacha Kamocha' - Love your neighbor as you love yourself'
Character, Fate, and Free Choice
The Talmudic Sages addressed the question of fate and free will with a simple sentence: “Everything is in the hands…
Anti-Semitism in French Children’s Magazine: “Israel is not a State”
Anti-Semitic remark in the January issue of Youpi Magazine causes uproar
Jewish? Welcome to First-Class
As Jews, we have been given a first-class ticket for the journey of life. If only we would take the…
Setting the Tone at Home
When a father comes home, he must strip himself of the “general’s clothes” and assume the role of husband and…
The Miraculous Relationship Between the Jewish People & the Land of Israel
What is the secret of the miraculous transformation of Israel from a desolate wasteland into a prosperous and blossoming land?…
Watch more Wonders of Creation: Leaf or Insect?
Watch this amazing video that will awaken feelings of gratitude to G-d for His wondrous creation. Gone viral
Torah Advice for Domestic Harmony
2 pieces of advice that can make a world of difference