“Miracles Happen Every Day, I’m One of Them!”
Susan Lindley shares the details of the miracles she experiences in her fight against colon cancer since 1998
Proof of Prophecy: The First Temple
How can one prove the truth of a prophecy? Rav Zamir sets out in his "Journey to the Truth" the…
Symphony Chuppah: Benny Friedman and The A Team Orchestra
The A Team presents a Symphony Chuppah featuring Benny Friedman
Why Should I Listen to the Rabbis?
What gives them their authority?
Gad Elbaz & The Holocaust Survivor Band – Let the Light Shine On
Emotional song about Jewish Survival
Fragments of my past
It’s heartbreaking watching my father dole out the past with no genuinely interested takers
Sensational Duet – Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried
Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried perform a stunning duet at the ATIME Shas A Thon. Accompanied by the Shira…
Woman Posted in Favor of “Mother Rachel” Over Rabin and Was Blocked by Facebook
I’d rather teach my children about our Mother Rachel’s heritage instead of Rabin’s heritage
Ten Facts about the Book of Psalms-Tehillim
What is the meaning of the name of the Book of Psalms? How many people composed the hymns in the…
The Physiological Stages of the Monthly Cycle
The secret of the success of a Jewish marriage is to be found in the laws of Family Purity. But…