A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Woman

    The mitzvah that instructs a married woman to cover her hair seems like an inconceivable restriction to many people. What’s…

    Elul – The Effects We Have on Others

    This is the season for change, for reinforcing the positive and taking steps to divest ourselves of the negative

    Jewish Unity: Are We Still One People? – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    How you are making a difference for Jewish Unity today?

    2000 Years Ago They Kept Kosher

    Archaeological digging in ancient Jerusalem refuse dumps shows people in Jerusalem ate kosher…

    What You Don’t Know about Using Public WI-FI

    Free Internet is Great, but What are the Risks of Using Public Wi-Fi? Follow this Fascinating video, and Discover

    Watch: Brilliant Performance by Avraham Fried and the Zackeinu Choir

    Chassidic singer Avraham Fried performing in style. Watch this exciting music video composed by Martin Widerker together with World famous…

    Does the Fetus Sense and Hear What is Happening Outside?

    Only recently scientists discovered that a fetus senses what goes on in the world, but Chazal knew about this many…

    LYA: A New Women’s Fashion Line That is Also Modest

    Founded by a partnership of a former Miss World and Rami Levi’s daughter

    Wonders of Creation: Drone Footage of Stingrays Swimming off Australian Coast

    See a stunning view of a school of stingrays swimming off the coast of Bondi Beach,Australia

    Watch: Tiger Rescued from a Pit Tens of Meters Deep

    A Tiger fell into trouble, falling into a sixty meter deep pit. The farmer called for help, and rescuers rushed…
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