Teachings of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl

    Also known as the Chernobler Maggid, the son and successor of Rav Menachem Nachum and the author of “Likutei Torah.”

    How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)

    Not only do kosher animals not suffer during ritual slaughter, they do not even experience emotional discomfort before the act,…

    Watch Now: Live Concert with the Participation of Moti Steinmetz

    Live broadcast from the Elad Park Amphitheater: Tonight, at 21:30 together with thousands of yeshiva students, and the Participation of…

    Sanctification of G-d’s Name in Germany: Footballer Reveals Shirt Inscribed “Hashem is G-d”

    Footballer Almog Cohen scored a winning goal in the German league, and sanctified G-d's name by revealing a shirt imprinted…

    Proof of Prophecy: The First Temple

    How can one prove the truth of a prophecy? Rav Zamir sets out in his "Journey to the Truth" the…

    Translator of R. Zamir Cohen’s books in Russian: “His Classes Lifted My Heart”

    Paulina Ovis is a very busy woman: When not with her children and grandchildren, she devotes her time and skills…

    100% Emunah – Faith

    This is our number 1 test

    Constructive Criticism in Marriage – Part 1

    It is completely normal and natural for two people to have differences of opinion, though one must know how to…

    Meir Kay’s Story: My Journey To Feeling Less Alone

    "You Are Not Alone" - Meir Kay shares his moving life story

    Why Keep Kosher?

    What are the benefits of keeping kosher? Why do Jews keep kosher? Is the reason for keeping kosher related to…
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