Living Shmittah

    Shemittah sensitivity - Do we have enough sensitivity to the laws of Shemittah?

    A permanent mud puddle

    His doorstep was graced by a perpetual pool of mud

    Why is the Bermuda Triangle Special?

    Hagit asks: "No one knows why everyone who has gone through Bermuda Triangle has disappeared without a trace. What does…

    Elul – The Effects We Have on Others

    This is the season for change, for reinforcing the positive and taking steps to divest ourselves of the negative

    Constructive Criticism in Marriage – Part 1

    It is completely normal and natural for two people to have differences of opinion, though one must know how to…

    Happiness 101

    How do you define happiness? If you can't define it how do you know you're happy?

    Bedtime Shema – According to the Sefardic Custom

    Say Shema before going to sleep and sleep well with good dreams

    Help Hidabroot Spread Judaism & Spirituality Around the Globe – Donate Now!

    Become our partner in Creating and Spreading more Quality Videos, Articles, Programs, Reality Shows, Lectures, Events, Weekend Getaways and more.…

    Why are Jews So Obsessed with Details?

    Isn't it overdoing it a bit?
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