Honoring Your Fellow Man

    Basic respect is a fundamental human need. As the highest form of creation, the human being feels dejected when embarrassed,…

    What is Judaism?

    How do you define it?

    Keeping Healthy – Rule C: Cleansing the Body of Accumulated Toxic Waste

    The problem with waste accumulation is not solely in the accumulation itself. The problem lies in the fact that the…

    The Patients Who Survived Their Prognosis

    Prof. Moshe Frenkel, a Clinical Associate at the University of Texas, and chairman of the Israeli Society for Complementary Medicine,…

    What Does Crawling Do for a Baby?

    It helps muscle and motor development but what about all the microorganisms inhaled?

    Kol Haneshoma – With Every Breath by Avi Kutner

    Composed and performed by Avi Kutner in honor of his son's birth. Enjoy

    Does a Human Go Out of Existence When He Dies?

    The Torah teaches us that there is life after death and even describes in detail what happens to the soul…

    Music Video: “Shine a Little Light” – Written & Composed by Yitzi Hurwitz

    A song of unity and love sung by various artists including, Alex Clare, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, Avraham Fried, MBD, Benny…

    The 6th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    According to all the prophecies in the scriptures The Messiah has not yet come.

    How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)

    Not only do kosher animals not suffer during ritual slaughter, they do not even experience emotional discomfort before the act,…
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