The Temple Institute Confirms the Red Heifer Born Last Month is Pure

    At the end of the last month, a Red Heifer was born in Israel. Why is it such wonderful news?…

    17 Year Old Invents User Friendly Word Searches for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients

    86 year old Mary Frates could no longer do word searches until her grandson came to the rescue

    The Short End of The Deal

    High class and thriftiness

    Informations – Israël

    Vous avez du mal à vous endormir  la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !

    Watch how a Soap Bubble Freezes in Slow Motion

    As most of the United States is experiencing brutal winter weather, viral videos are circulating of rapid freezing and other…

    Watch: Looks Like this Truck is Pushing it a Little Too Far

    Know your limitations; make sure to draw the line before it’s too late! Gone viral

    What Can We Learn from Japanese Broken Pottery?

    An astounding and empowering lesson specifically from something broken

    Watch: Do it Yourself – A Fun Sukkah Decoration

    Using pieces of paper and sticky tape, you can create a unique sukkah decoration. Gone viral

    The Structure of the Earth’s Crust Testifies: “G-d Created the World”

    The structure of the Earth’s crust has baffled scientists for generations.

    Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau Meets Son of US Army Chaplain Who Liberated Buchenwald – Watch

    74 years after liberation, Rabbi Lau shared an emotional embrace with the son of the Chaplain that liberated the camp…
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