Images of Magical Places Around the World

    Take a little break, let go of the stress and let yourself simply enjoy the beauty of creation

    Gallery: Macro Photography that will Amaze You

    Indonesian nature photographer Tri Setyo Widodo specializes in macro photography. See his extremely impressive gallery and enjoy more wonders of…

    9 Facts About the Ohr HaChaim in Honor of his Yohrzeit

    Learning his books can bring salvation. Countless stories describe the great miracles people experienced by praying at his grave

    More than just the clothes

    The poritz was terribly distressed about his son’s irresponsible behavior

    A Bodybuilder and Male Supermodel Came Back to Judaism?

    Dror Okavi, Mr. Israel and Supermodel in America tells his story

    Q&A: Laws of Chol Hamoed

    Are we allowed to do everything like we would on weekdays, or do we have certain prohibitions similar to those…

    Live Broadcast from Meron: Watch Now – Lag BaOmer

    Watch Now: Live broadcast straight from Meron, Lag BaOmer 2019 | 5779

    Watch: Rare Red Jellyfish Spotted off the Coast of California

    Scientists used a remote control vehicle to dive down to the depths of the sea to view these unique sea…

    What is Prayer About – Taking or Giving?

    Some see prayer as a chance to approach God with a long list of requests. Is prayer just a self-centered,…

    Indirect Gossip

    What is considered indirect gossip? Learn about common forms of indirect gossip that come up daily
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