He Prayed and a Miracle Happened!
"I don't believe it", cried the doctor, "She's alive!"
Watch How this Farmer Controls his Ducks
Dogs are not the only animals that can be trained. See how this farmer has trained his ducks. Very impressive
We’re in Exile, What can We Do about It?
Realize we’re in darkness far from G-d and look for the light of His closeness
Watch: Hashem Loves You A Cappella Music Video
Do you feel that Hashem loves you? See Ari Goldwag’s A Cappella music video and get a feel of the…
Watch Live Broadcast from the Hidabroot Annual Convention
Live broadcast from the Crown Plaza Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut. Be inspired by Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi…
Shabbos Medley – Benny Friedman & Ari Goldwag
Live in Baltimore on behalf of the organization Menucha, which cares for the needs of special children. Enjoy
The Israelites Journeys in the Desert
Why does the Torah list the journeys of the Israelites in the desert? In what did the Israelites live while…
Learn to Love Yourself
The words of a young woman who almost died of anorexia
Shabbat Shira Bet Shemesh Style
The Halelu Choir leads a Shabbat of Unity and Chazzanut
Watch – A Sinkhole in the Heart of the Ocean
Wonders of Creation: One of the most beautiful natural wonders created you will ever see. Mesmerizing