The 5th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    No one hid any prophecies from anyone but Jews for J claim otherwise.

    Creeping Plants Invade an Abandoned Fishing Village in China

    This is what happens when people abandon their place of residence, and an entire village is left deserted without a…

    Get Enough Sleep! Or Else!

    Certain brain cells begin to consume healthy brain cells during sleep deprivation

    In Her Illustrious Father’s Footsteps

    A Conversation with Rabbanit Adina Bar Shalom, daughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt”l

    Watch: Stunning Leopard Jump

    Skill patience and devotion – that's how the leopard caught its prey. Nothing is too difficult or dangerous, for a…

    Magnificent Images of a Synagogue in Israel Decorated for Shavuot

    See stunning photos of a synagogue in Kiryat Sefer decorated with flowers for the Festival of Shavuot. Impressive

    Shabbat Shalom – The Big Picture

    “Why me? Why my son? Why can’t he just be like the other children?” Almost as soon as I had…

    48 Ways to Love and Be Loved

    Rabbi Noach Weinberg, the rosh yeshiva of Aish Hatorah, explains the 48 ways to attain wisdom from ancient Jewish sources,…

    The Jew who saved the American Revolution

    Heroes of the American Revolutionary War such as Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Paul Revere are…

    Watch: Jewish American Soldiers in Iraq Celebrate the Shabbat Project

    This is the sixth year that thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to observe the worldwide Shabbat…
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