Take Your Time – Don’t Stress

    The sudden shift from a restful state to an active state, may pose as a threat to our physical health,…

    VeUhavtu by Meilech Kohn – Unofficial Music Video

    "Everyone’s waiting for Wishing Praying for Mashiach! It will only happen when we all get along!" Internalize the message

    Hoshana Rabbah, a Stairway to Heaven

    Rabbi Sinclair explains how Hoshana Rabbah provides the opportunity for us to go beyond ourselves

    The Greatness of Torah – Rabbi Mendel Kessin

    What is so unique about Torah study? Why is learning Torah considered greater than all the 613 mitzvot? Watch and…

    Wonders of Creation: Beautiful Glacier Flowing with Frozen Water

    “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I - Chapter 2:2)

    Proof of Prophecy: Jews’ leadership in the the End Of Days

    The prophets described in detail the type of leadership which would emerge at the End of Days. Journey to the…

    Smiling: Required by Law

    We must learn to interpret the intent of the spouse in a positive light

    Vayigash ‘All Rapped Up’ – Yosef and Yehudah

    Listen to the dialogue between Yosef and Yehudah in Rap

    More Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Essential advice for maintaining marital harmony from Rabbi Zamir Cohen's latest book on marriage

    Chain of Miracles within the Great Pain: Remarkable Stories of Passengers Saved from the Tragedy

    Amongst the darkness, panic and tears are stories of passengers who were saved by personal miracles from the fatal road…
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