Can I use Marijuana or Alcohol to get Happy According to Jewish Law?

    Find out what's the difference between alcohol and drugs according to Jewish law

    Teachings of Rav Yisrael Hopstein of Koznitz, the Koznitzer Maggid

    One of the primary disciples of the Rebbe Reb Meilech and the author of “Avodas Yisrael.”

    Father Gives 3-Year-Old A Kidney After She Nearly Dies of a Stroke

    Father says he didn’t think twice knowing he could help his daughter live a normal life.

    Where is G-d?

    If G-d is everything, how can there be place for man? And, if G-d does make place for man, how…

    Such a Small Innocent Headline Could Be So Dangerous

    The Pandora’s Box that a 16 year old boy opened on an unfiltered cell phone can ensnare anyone

    “G-d Took Away My Son, Now Whatever He Says I Do the Opposite!”

    But after he smoked a cigarette on Yom Kippur G-d brought him back anyway and gave him the greatest gift

    Watch: Fascinating Footage of The Northern Lights of Norway

    Magical footage of the Northern Lights in Norway. Relax and enjoy more Wonders of Creation. “There is no artist like…

    Elul- The Judge is My Friend

    We want to be judged by G-d alone for he can display clemency that a regular court can't

    The Humble Man Merits Greatness

    What are the advantages of acquiring the attribute of humility? A humble person will quickly develop positive traits such as…
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