How Many Times Did We Leave Egypt?

    Why is it repeated? Why are many travels in Massei "according to the word of G-d"

    The Place Where They Belong: New Release by Abie Rotenberg & Boruch Levine

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    The Effect of Music on the Brain and Mind

    Music can bring a person to feel such exaltation and inner joy that he spontaneously breaks out in dance. Kabbalists…

    How Can I Connect with G-d?

    This connection is the next step in developing faith and trust in G-d

    Love your Children with all your Senses – R. Yemima Mizrachi

    What is a child’s very first need when he is born? "Your child’s physical needs are almost petty when it…

    The Fetus: I Can Hear Everything You’re Saying

    In addition to their knowledge of the desires and abilities of a fetus, the Sages also knew that a fetus…

    A Fad or a Daf?

    Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin instituted what is perhaps one of the most significant structural changes in Jewish history that…

    Hidabroot Live! This Motzai Shabbat

    Just on Time for Rosh Hashana, catch the inspiration at a Hidabroot live event

    Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives

    Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?

    Second choice

    It was not the carriage of her dreams
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