Tehilla Mark: “Our Father Always Said That Every Bullet Has Its Address”
“It’s hard, it’s painful, and we’re trying not to break. We get up and fall, cry and dry our tears”
Yaakov Shwekey: New Music Video – Yishtabach
Enjoy Yaakov Shwekey's latest music video. Masterpiece
Intuition – How Do You Know?
Intuition, is to be in touch with that true, inner reality of self. That part of us that is closer…
Watch: Looks Like this Truck is Pushing it a Little Too Far
Know your limitations; make sure to draw the line before it’s too late! Gone viral
The 1st Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know
They believe Jesus is G-d Himself and aren’t satisfied with 'Son of G-d'
Yitzchak and Esav – Using and Abusing Power
How could a man as great as Yitzchak have believed Esav was virtuous and more fitting to receive the blessings…
Happiness 101
How do you define happiness? If you can't define it how do you know you're happy?
Five Simple Steps to Figure Out Which Religion is True
Every person wherever he is in the world can figure out the truth. One doesn’t even have to work too…
Conservative Female Rabbi Crosses Lines and Becomes Orthodox
In a open article publicized this week, Einat Ramon explains why she abandoned Conservative Judaism and her belief in authentic…
Watch: What Happened to the Lioness’s Dinner?
The lioness pounced on the tortoise in an attempt to crack its shell with her penetrating teeth. However, the Creator…