Women to know : One thing led to another and so her organization was born
The only way to keep yourself happy is to make others happy, and to give
Uvyom HaShabbos – Shulem Lemmer ft. Sababa and The Shira Choir
Shulem Lemmer revives an old famous cantors niggun. Absolute masterpiece
Why did G-d Choose to Create the World as He Did?
Since creation happened in stages, the whole world is connected in a chained-down form with higher realities connected to lower…
Underwater Tablet Dates Back to Bar Kochba Revolt
The stone slab, dating to the second century, was found underwater at Tel Dor, south of the city of Haifa.
More Than Skin-Deep
Covering your body is the most fundamental way of using your outside to tell others who you are on the…
Watch: A Rare Discovery of a Shark that Lives Beneath an Active Volcano
A shark that lives under an active volcano, was found near the volcano Kauaʻi. A delegation that was sent to…
Genetics and the Bible – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Is it possible that the two most revolutionary laws in genetics discovered in recent generations – Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance…
Pesukei DeZimra – Nusach Sefard
Praise G-d Before you ask your needs
Itai Shechter: “No Apologies for Where I Came From nor for my Faith.”
“I am a believer from birth.”
Live, Remember and Tell the World
An indomitable child survivor tells her incredible story of faith through adversity